Exercises to Improve Your Individual Technique with Voon Football Pro Rebounders


Football is a sport that demands technical skill, agility, and precision. For many players, refining their individual technique is crucial to stand out on the field and reach their full potential. 

In this article, we'll guide you through four specific exercises that you can perform with our rebounders. Each exercise is tailored to focus on key aspects of individual technique, from ball control to precise dribbling and shooting. Accompanied by detailed explanations, illustrative images, and links to instructional videos on our YouTube channel, these exercises will help you develop and refine your technical skills effectively.

VOON DRILL: Triangle race

Exercise to work on team communication, control and passing. The player whose rebounder lights up will have to ask for the ball, switch it off and play it to the teammate whose rebounder lights up next until we reach a set amount of hits as a team.


Link: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FtGRU08fmo4

What aspects of my game do I improve thanks to this exercise?

✅ Passing accuracy.

✅ Control.

✅ First touch.

✅ Communication with teammates.

✅ Perception.

✅ Reaction speed.

VOON DRILL: 180 turn and pass 

Working on the body position to receive and play behind my back. Keep your head up to always know where I'm playing the ball next. Passes must be accurate and powerful for a correct rebound.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/peRHRYugoa0

What aspects of my game do I improve thanks to this exercise?

✅ Passing accuracy.

✅ Control.

✅ Body position.

✅ Perception.

✅ Reaction speed.

VOON DRILL: Double 90

In this exercise, communication is key and you must work with your teammate. Each will have two rebounders they will work with. Between the two, reach the set amount of hits as quickly as possible. Be aware of the rebounder that is turned on in order to turn it off accurately in the shortest possible time.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/R1AvwW2sru0

What aspects of my game do I improve thanks to this exercise?

✅ Passing accuracy.

✅ Control.

✅ First touch.

✅ Communication with teammates.

✅ Perception.

✅ Reaction speed.